Nuclear Explosion

Radiation Safety

to my radiation web page. I am glad you are here. You will find some files that I created on "The Horrors of Nuclear War and How to Survive It!". One file is a LibreOffice Impress file (on Firefox right click then save link as). It can be converted to a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation if needed. I have also included a .pdf file These files are free to use in any lecture that you give as long as they are kept intact. It took me a lot of work to create them so it would not be cool to exclude anything from your lecture or from your documentation. The files include information that is the best of my knowledge. If you feel any information is incorrect please feel free to email me. The purpose of this information is to help someone prepare for such an event (a nuclear exchange). It is full of information that I think needs to be included to share to those that would like to learn about radiation and nuclear explosions. I think it is close to a complete treatment of the subject. I hope this information is informative and will be helpful in such an event. Since I can not predict the future I can not guarantee that this information will save your life but I hope it does. Also remember that the information that is contained in the files is applicable to a nuclear reactor event without the nuclear explosion or a dirty bomb. I do not really go into building shelters because there are so many different designs on the internet. When Civil Defense was still around they published plenty of designs and each had an associated cost. I think cost will be the limiting factor on what you can build. I would also like to note that I live next to Fort Hood, Texas and not to terribly far from the Command and Control Center. If there was an attack without warning I will probably be deceased. The reason I say this is that I may know what to do if the bombs start flying but it probably will not do me any good. I am hoping that I can at least help someone else, you.

"War ..... War Never Changes." ---Fallout Games

The Department of Homeland Security.

FBI's Video: Fractured Isotopes: Protecting Your Facility
FBI's WMD Web Page

The American Civil Defense Association

The Doomsday Clock at The Bulletin of Atomic Scientist

The United States Environmental Protection Agency: RadNet

The Health Physics Society

The International Atomic Energy Agency
